Customer Success Story

From Dipping Toes into Containerization to Diving into K8s

When an iconic gaming company was ready to go all in on Kubernetes, they partnered with Redapt for help.

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Customer Success Story

Transforming a Rigid Application and Data Structure into a Streamlined Cloud-Native Patient Claim Processing Platform

When a northwest health solutions company targeted moving its patient claim processing application and data to the cloud, they partnered with Redapt’s cloud engineering team to migrate and modernize.

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Customer Success Story

Rack Integration & Services Help Turn Hardware Orders Around on the Quick

When a Fortune 100 financial firm found it challenging to deploy hardware on accelerated schedules, they partnered with Redapt to spec-out and implement a solution.

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Customer Success Story

Taking RepairPal to Google Cloud

When the innovative car care company wanted to begin using the Google Cloud Platform, it partnered with Redapt to make their migration a smooth one.

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Customer Success Story

Putting a Global Retailer on the Fast Track to Agile with K8s

When a global beverage retailer wanted to create a more agile development process, it turned to Redapt to help make it happen.

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Customer Success Story

Erasing Technical Debt for a Major Dot Com

When a well-established dot com recognized it was falling behind competitors entering the market, it partnered with Redapt to revolutionize the way it developed products.

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Contact us to gain a little more clarity

We love a challenge. Tell us about your needs, goals, and the obstacles in your way. We’ll help you find solutions to get past them.

Get in touch directly:
(425) 882-0400