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AWS Black Belt Containers Achievement

By Redapt Marketing | Posted on September 14, 2022 | Posted in Cloud Migration and Adoption, News

Recently, Redapt employees Rizwan Patel, Jerry Meisner, and Rohit Garg were awarded Container Black Belts from AWS — among the first individuals to receive the recognition. 

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There were a plethora of pre-requisites that Rizwan, Jerry, and Rohit needed to complete to be considered for the AWS Containers Black Belt, which is a unique, partner-centric offering from AWS geared towards enhancing technical capabilities and GTM Strategies.

In addition to having an abundance of knowledge about containers, the three Redapt experts boast numerous AWS certifications, and have been working with Amazon on building out package solutions for Redapt’s AWS go-to-market strategies.  

To achieve this award, the trio of technical experts participated in a 3-week AWS Expert Solution Architect Lead Boot Camp that consisted of a mix of on-demand training and labs, virtual “in-person” lessons and guest speakers, office hours, and an evaluated Capstone Project to be used in post-session marketingwith the evaluation rubric requiring the submission to cover categories related to Cluster Management, Workloads, GitOps/Automation, Addons, and Security. The topics covered in the 3-week boot camp ranged from container concepts, building containers, application modernization with containers on AWS, EKS-A/ECS-A, autoscaling with Karpenter, EKS blueprints, and Windows containers on AWS through multi-cluster management.

Rizwan, Jerry, and Rohit garnered many individual benefits from achieving the AWS Black Belt, including AWS innovation credits, hands-on AWS domain experience, access to communication channels with fellow Black Belts and AWS specialists, Black Belt briefings with AWS specialists, and public recognition on the future Black Belt website. 

Redapt congratulates Rizwan, Jerry, and Rohit for their commitment to deepening our client-focused services.