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A Multinational Financial Services Company Partners with Redapt on a Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Solution

A financial services company with a backlog of DevOps tasks beyond its engineering capacity collaborated with Redapt's DevOps engineering team to improve delivery speed and organizational efficiency.

In a nutshell ...

A major financial services company dedicated to facilitating secure banking technologies found a growing DevOps task backlog, surpassing the bandwidth of its current engineering capacity. To address its expanding backlog in order to innovate critical features, the company collaborated with Redapt's skilled DevOps engineering team to accelerate delivery and increase organizational efficiency.

The Problem

The organization maintains a complex environment, including numerous Kubernetes clusters spread across its datacenters, AWS, and GCP. Given the increasing number of tasks in the company’s backlog, the quickest path to progress was partnering with a team skilled in AWS, Terraform, and Kubernetes–all of which were crucial for operating in the company’s large-scale environment.  

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The Solution

The financial organization and Redapt collaboratively developed a plan to impact the project backlog while upskilling its in-house talent immediately. Embedding Redapt DevOps engineers on multiple teams enabled accelerated completion of backlog tasks while training our client’s team. In addition to upskilling technology professionals, our team became a positive force for building a DevOps culture.

Each Redapt DevOps professional on the project was proficient with the following:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) – Understanding the various services and integrations that come into play concerning AWS and best practice architectures.
  • Terraform – Leveraging Terraform best practices to create reusable modules and pipelines that downstream teams can leverage in a self-serve model.
  • Kubernetes – Understanding various aspects of Kubernetes from deployment, validation, configuration management, monitoring, and alerting.

The Outcome

Our team quickly familiarized themselves with the clients environments and began making headway in completing backlog tasks. While chipping away at the backlog, Redapt's DevOps engineers discovered multiple ways to make impactful improvements. In one instance, the team updated AWS EKS cluster configurations, creating a better experience for downstream application developers. In another cost-reduction and application resilience initiative, our team optimized resource consumption and avoided out-of-memory issues by leveraging Prometheus and Alert Manager. Beyond DevOps improvements, the Redapt team provided leadership and technical expertise in weekly cadence calls, boosting job satisfaction and overall productivity.

Moment of clarity

The financial technology company realized its sprint velocity, onboarding, hiring abilities, and employee attrition needed to be improved to meet its internal requirements. As a result, the customer recognized the necessity for a partner with readily available DevOps engineers who could offer expertise in the specific areas they required.

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What the company needed

The company needed skilled DevOps professionals to churn through numerous late and prioritized tasks in its sprint backlog.

Our recommendation

We recommended engaging our DevOps team's seasoned experts to work on backlog tasks while up-skilling the organization's technical talent.

The end result

Our experts were able to:

  • Quickly integrate into the client's systems and ramp up productivity.
  • Provide meaningful contributions to code artifacts that deploy thousands of EKS clusters.
  • Make enhancements to the existing code to facilitate self-service while preventing outages caused by human error.
  • Assimilate into the large organization's structure and work with various teams to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

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