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Using Mobile as a Key for Your Internal Business Strategy

By Redapt Marketing | Posted on July 18, 2018 | Posted in Workplace Modernization, Enterprise IT and Infrastructure

The stigma of being on your cellphone is quickly on its way out with the modern office. In fact, it can be a huge asset in your business strategy when it's incorporated with the Internet of Things.

Let’s look at how to bring in a mobile component to your business' innovative IoT processes and how it can keep your business moving while everyone is on the go.

Best Way to Stay Informed

Email has done a good job for decades as a communication tool for businesses, but it’s beginning to hit a head.

Inboxes start to get cluttered which means crucial items begin to get missed. To function at your best, your business needs to be able to minimize errors and clutter.

Thankfully we live in an era where that’s possible. Using project management tools and apps on your phone can be a great way to keep your employees informed.

If you really need to get your staff’s attention, sending out a mass email runs the risk of being ignored or just simply lost in the windfall of messages your employees are probably receiving.

However, a push notification sent to their mobile devices would have a far better chance at being seen. The more you’re able to inform your team, there’s a better chance for  everyone  to succeed in their work.

Keeping Your Employees Connected

It’s not just about you keeping connected with your employees, but keeping them connected with each other.

Desktop computers and laptops are great for when heavy work needs to get done, but in today’s fast-paced environment employees aren’t always able to keep at their desks.

Mobile devices lets them find ways to keep projects moving even if they can’t sit back in their rolling desk chairs. More than texting, create processes through your apps that allows your team to connect on a fly.

Whether it’s a chat client or a tool like Basecamp that monitors your projects, find ways to make mobile a touchstone in how you communicate.

Utilizing Remote Work

There used to be a stigma or at least worries about employees working from home or from a different city/state. It all came down to being unsure if it would slow things down and cause a communication breakdown.

With mobile devices and the IoT, those stresses can easily be alleviated. Not only is it easier to stay in touch, your team can use IoT technology to work within the systems and devices you have on-premise.

If you have a killer employee in Los Angeles but your headquarters are in Seattle, that’s no longer a problem. And by having mobile integrated into your IoT processes, you don’t have to worry if they need to run and pick up their kid from soccer practice. They can stay connected and give you the seamless interaction you’d have if they were on site with you.